I hope you are preparing to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, no matter where on the planet you happen to live. It's likely you will find a lively local party. If not, you can start one!
There are parades and celebrations all over Ireland and all over the world tomorrow, in honor of St. Patrick. The Irish, and those who would love to be Irish (if only for a day) will be listening to traditional music, eating delicious food and sampling Guinness beer.

If you are lucky enough to be in Dublin, Ireland on St. Patrick's Day, you may see Molly Malone herself.
If you can't get to Ireland, but you'd like to feel a bit closer, please visit my website at
Majestic Castles in Ireland
.(If your email is in plain text, you will have to type in www.majestic-castles-in-ireland.com to see the page.)
You will find tips and advice for booking your trip to Ireland and photos to enjoy while you wait.
I will be adding more helpful information in the weeks and months to come. Thanks.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!